Small Town Sexy, by Kim Huston

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Small town America has a seductive allure according to economic developer and author Kim Huston of Bardstown, Kentucky who tells all in her popular book SMALL TOWN SEXY, the allure of living in small town America.

Are small towns sexy? Absolutely! Author and speaker Kim Huston refers to the word “sexy” as being an interesting, engaging, pleasing and fascinating place to live work and play.

SMALL TOWN SEXY is a book you will not be able to put down once you start it and if you don’t already live in a small town, it will have you packing your bags.

This book features some of Kim’s stories and experiences as a life-long small town aficionado. Small Town Sexy is not a travel guide or a book of rankings or statistics, but a book that highlights the attributes of small towns and discusses day-to-day challenges. She wants all to know that small America is not your ‘Mayberry’ anymore and that you CAN do big business in a small town.

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BARDSTOWN, by Kim Huston
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SMALL TOWN SEXY, by Kim Huston
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REBIRTH OF BOURBON, by Steve Coomes, Kim Huston and Michael Mangeot
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